You’ve probably heard through friends in business or had quotes yourself about how much copywriting can cost. While we’re not lawyers or neurosurgeons, copywriting is an expertise in itself, and like anything, when you want something done and done well (that you can’t do yourself), it costs money. 

Outstanding copywriting isn’t about plonking words together simply to get something out there. It’s about crafting messages that make your brand sing, speak to the hearts of your ideal customers, and ultimately, boost your bottom line.

You wouldn’t hire an unqualified plumber to fix a leaky pipe or worse, try to do it yourself. You want someone who knows their stuff and can deliver results. We’re not plumbers either, but the quality ones are out here saving the world from shitty content. 

Why Copywriting Costs What It Does

A quick note. Content writer and copywriter are used interchangeably in marketing.  Copy = sales. Content = stories, education. We call ourselves either one, but we do both!

Like any service, it’s impossible to quote accurately without assessing the project scope, as rarely does one size fit all. Before a sentence can be crafted, you’ll be in numerous discussions with your copywriter to understand your requirements, budget, and expected timeframes. 

Even if they’ve written for dozens of businesses in your industry, your offer and approach will be unique. In any relationship, getting to know someone is a process. Ideally you have content, brand and/or marketing strategy to work from, tone of voice, SOPs and other internal resources to share with us. If not, it’s going to take time to extract and collate this information for our foundation to work from.

We then have to get across all this information to understand your operations, people, values and future vision. We might ask seemingly obvious questions, but these conversations help ensure clarity. Revisions, meetings and the level of expertise we bring to our work influence pricing. 

Additionally, if we’re reprioritising other clients and working overtime to meet an expedited timeline, expect that to cost more. 

What To Expect When Working With A Copywriter 

Finding the right copywriter can take time. Plan ahead, meet with 2-3 and ask questions like: 

  • Can you give me an example of how your copy has actually helped a business?
  • How do you make sure the copy you write sounds like my brand, not generic?
  • How long does it usually take for you to complete a project like mine?
  • What sets your approach apart from other copywriters?

The first draft is a warm-up, so don’t get too concerned if it isn’t spot on. That’s why revisions are included, and together, you will fine-tune it.

Sometimes, getting the information we need from internal teams can be limited or challenging. They might not fully grasp what we need, or there might be delays in providing information or feedback.

You’ll need to relinquish some creative control and let the pro handle it while still being very much part of the process and providing timely feedback to keep the project moving.

Can You Afford Not to Hire a Copywriter?

Experienced copywriters have honed their skills over time. We know how to craft words that sound like someone in the business wrote them, get you found online and land your ideal clients.

Explore my copywriting packages and how I work to determine if we’re a good fit. Ready to chat about your copywriting needs? Contact me for a free discovery call.

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